Import Library

In [3]:
import tweepy
from textblob import TextBlob
from wordcloud import WordCloud
from Sastrawi.Stemmer.StemmerFactory import StemmerFactory
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import config'fivethirtyeight')

Twitter Authentication

In [18]:
# Create the authentication object
authenticate = tweepy.OAuthHandler(config.CONSUMER_KEY, config.CONSUMER_SECRET)

# Set the access token and access token secret
authenticate.set_access_token(config.ACCESS_TOKEN, config.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)

# Create the API object while passing in the auth information
api = tweepy.API(authenticate, wait_on_rate_limit = True)

Extract Tweets from the Twitter user

In [72]:
posts = api.user_timeline(screen_name = "realDonaldTrump", count=100, lang= "en", tweet_mode="extended")

# Print the last 5 tweet from the account
print("Show the 5 recent tweets: \n")
i = 1
for tweet in posts[0:5]:
    print(str(i) +  ') ' + tweet.full_text + '\n')
    i = i + 1
Show the 5 recent tweets: 

1) RT @nolaready: Primary threat from #Laura in #NOLA is storm surge outside the levee system. Could also see heavy rain, wind & tornadoes if…

2) RT @NWS: Heads up! Today is the last day to prepare for Hurricane #Laura. Evacuation zones are based on potential storm surge. If an evacua…

3) RT @fema: Hurricane #Laura is moving quickly.  Be sure to follow @NHC_Atlantic for the latest updates & heed instructions from your local o…

4) RT @GovAbbott: Texans should heed guidance from local officials as #HurricaneLaura approaches.

Local mandatory evacuations: Jefferson Coun…

5) RT @TDEM: Deadly storm surge will accompany #HurricaneLaura in some areas along the coast.  

Residents of the Upper #Texas coastlines shou…

In [73]:
# Create a dataframe with a column called Tweets
df = pd.DataFrame([tweet.full_text for tweet in posts], columns=['Tweets'])

0 RT @nolaready: Primary threat from #Laura in #...
1 RT @NWS: Heads up! Today is the last day to pr...
2 RT @fema: Hurricane #Laura is moving quickly. ...
3 RT @GovAbbott: Texans should heed guidance fro...
4 RT @TDEM: Deadly storm surge will accompany #H...
In [74]:
# Create a function to clean the tweets
def cleanText(text):
    text = re.sub(r'@[A-Za-z0-9]+', '', text) # Removed @mentions
    text = re.sub(r'#', '', text) #Removing the '#' symbol
    text = re.sub(r'RT[\s]+', '', text) # Removing RT
    text = re.sub(r'https?:\/\/\S+', '', text) # Remove the hyper link
    return text

df['Tweets'] = df['Tweets'].apply(cleanText)

0 : Primary threat from Laura in NOLA is storm s...
1 : Heads up! Today is the last day to prepare f...
2 : Hurricane Laura is moving quickly. Be sure ...
3 : Texans should heed guidance from local offic...
4 : Deadly storm surge will accompany HurricaneL...
... ...
95 Many doctors and studies disagree with this!
96 : Trey Gowdy: Brennan was either inaccurate or...
97 The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is...
98 Why would Suburban Women vote for Biden and th...
99 Biden and the Democrats have greatly disrespec...

100 rows × 1 columns

In [75]:
# Create a function to get the subjectivity
def getSubjectivity(text):
    return TextBlob(text).sentiment.subjectivity

# Create a function to get the polarity
def getPolarity(text):
    return TextBlob(text).sentiment.polarity

df['Subjectivity'] = df['Tweets'].apply(getSubjectivity)
df['Polarity'] = df['Tweets'].apply(getPolarity)

Tweets Subjectivity Polarity
0 : Primary threat from Laura in NOLA is storm s... 0.350000 0.066667
1 : Heads up! Today is the last day to prepare f... 0.533333 0.000000
2 : Hurricane Laura is moving quickly. Be sure ... 0.596296 0.333333
3 : Texans should heed guidance from local offic... 0.000000 0.000000
4 : Deadly storm surge will accompany HurricaneL... 0.200000 -0.100000
... ... ... ...
95 Many doctors and studies disagree with this! 0.500000 0.625000
96 : Trey Gowdy: Brennan was either inaccurate or... 0.366667 -0.437500
97 The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is... 0.475000 -0.162500
98 Why would Suburban Women vote for Biden and th... 0.377778 0.144444
99 Biden and the Democrats have greatly disrespec... 0.727579 0.256548

100 rows × 3 columns

Word Cloud

In [76]:
allWords = ' '.join([twts for twts in df['Tweets']])
wordCloud = WordCloud(width = 500, height=300, random_state = 21, max_font_size = 119).generate(allWords)

plt.imshow(wordCloud, interpolation = 'bilinear')
(-0.5, 499.5, 299.5, -0.5)
In [77]:
# Create a function to compute the negative, neutral, and positive analysis
def getAnalysis(score):
    if score < 0:
        return 'Negative'
    elif score == 0:
        return 'Neutral'
        return 'Positive'
df['Analysis'] = df['Polarity'].apply(getAnalysis)

Tweets Subjectivity Polarity Analysis
0 : Primary threat from Laura in NOLA is storm s... 0.350000 0.066667 Positive
1 : Heads up! Today is the last day to prepare f... 0.533333 0.000000 Neutral
2 : Hurricane Laura is moving quickly. Be sure ... 0.596296 0.333333 Positive
3 : Texans should heed guidance from local offic... 0.000000 0.000000 Neutral
4 : Deadly storm surge will accompany HurricaneL... 0.200000 -0.100000 Negative
... ... ... ... ...
95 Many doctors and studies disagree with this! 0.500000 0.625000 Positive
96 : Trey Gowdy: Brennan was either inaccurate or... 0.366667 -0.437500 Negative
97 The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is... 0.475000 -0.162500 Negative
98 Why would Suburban Women vote for Biden and th... 0.377778 0.144444 Positive
99 Biden and the Democrats have greatly disrespec... 0.727579 0.256548 Positive

100 rows × 4 columns

Print all of the positive tweets

In [78]:
j = 1
sortedDF = df.sort_values(by=['Polarity'])
for i in range(0, sortedDF.shape[0]):
    if(sortedDF['Analysis'][i] == 'Positive'):
        print(str(j) + ') ' + sortedDF['Tweets'][i])
        j = j + 1
1) : Primary threat from Laura in NOLA is storm surge outside the levee system. Could also see heavy rain, wind &amp; tornadoes if…

2) : Hurricane Laura is moving quickly.  Be sure to follow _Atlantic for the latest updates &amp; heed instructions from your local o…

3) ...They must stop calling these anarchists and agitators “peaceful protestors”. Come back into the real world! The Federal Government is ready to end this problem immediately upon your request.

4) I am pleased to inform the American Public that Acting Secretary Chad Wolf will be nominated to be the Secretary of Homeland Security. Chad has done an outstanding job and we greatly appreciate his service!

5) ...More JOBS from Eastport, Cutler, &amp; Jonesport to Stonington, Friendship, and Casco Bay. I am proud to help the great people of Maine!

6) Beautiful Maine Lobsters will now move tariff-free to Europe! For first time in many years. GREAT new deal by USTR levels playing field with Canada. Millions of $’s more in EXPORTS...

7) Very appreciative that  covered the vast majority of the Republican Convention last night. That was really good for CNN, while at the same time being good for our Country. Thank you!

8) Exclusive: Eyewitness Says as Many as 20,000 Unverified Absentee Ballots Counted in Detroit Primary  via 

9) : Please watch highly respected Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale, on Hydroxychloroquine. 

10) : LIVE: POTUS delivers remarks on Farmers to Families Food Box Program 

11) : The greatest Election Fraud in our history is about to happen. This may top the Democrats illegally spying on my campa…

12) Please watch highly respected Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale, on Hydroxychloroquine. 

13) The greatest Election Fraud in our history is about to happen. This may top the Democrats illegally spying on my campaign! 

14) Watch Mark Levin, on air now. Great! 

15) : 🚨🚨 ALSO: first details of Republican policy platform EXCLUSIVE tonight Trump 2nd Term Agenda 9pm don't miss it!

16) : LIVE: President  holds a news conference 

17) Important White House News Conference at 5:30 (sharp) today. Very good news!

18) Happy Sunday! We want GOD! 

19) These riots are an antigovernment movement from the Left that are all in Democrat run cities. The mayors have got to let their police do what they know how to do. Would be very easy to suppress or, call in the Federal Government. We will solve problem fast! 

20) . wrote a great new book, “The Trump Century, How Our President Changed the Course of History Forever”. Strongly recommended...A special guy! 

21) A “Favored Nations Clause” against Big Pharma, which I signed last week, means that the USA gets a price on Prescription Drugs that matches the price of the Country that pays the lowest price anywhere in the World. 50%, 60%, maybe 70% reduction. No other President would do this!

22) Will be interviewed by  on . 9:00 P.M. Sunday Night. Enjoy!

23) : The Trumps are the greatest thing to ever happen to America!

24) : First lady Melanie Trump unveils restoration of Rose Garden, where she’ll give GOP convention speech Tuesday | Just Th…

25) : Excited to honor history &amp; celebrate the future in our beautiful  Rose Garden this evening. Thank you to all who hel…

26) : WATCH: President  previews the upcoming RNC as "uplifting and positive" - catch his full conversation with…

27) In New Jersey they want you to certify that you asked for the Universal Mail-In Ballot that they sent you. But you never asked for it. Disaster in the wings!

28) Many doctors and studies disagree with this! 

29) Why would Suburban Women vote for Biden and the Democrats when Democrat run cities are now rampant with crime (and they aren’t asking the Federal Government for help) which could easily spread to the suburbs, and they will reconstitute, on steroids, their low income suburbs plan!

30) Biden and the Democrats have greatly disrespected the Great State of Wisconsin by not even paying a small visit to Milwaukee, the designated site of the DNC. The State &amp; City worked very hard to make sure things would be good. Not nice. Vote Trump Wisconsin!

Print the negative tweets

In [79]:
j = 1
sortedDF = df.sort_values(by=['Polarity'], ascending='False')
for i in range(0, sortedDF.shape[0]):
    if(sortedDF['Analysis'][i] == 'Negative'):
        print(str(j) + ')' + sortedDF['Tweets'][i])
        j = j + 1
1): Deadly storm surge will accompany HurricaneLaura in some areas along the coast.  

Residents of the Upper Texas coastlines shou…

2)For our Country to be sending 80 million UNSOLICITED BALLOTS is very unfair and a roadmap to disaster. Even recent small and easier to control elections which did this are a catastrophic disaster. Fraudulent &amp; missing Ballots like never seen before. 20% and 30% off. STOP!

3)Joe Biden has said he would lock down the Country again. That’s crazy! We’re having record job growth and a booming stock market, but Joe would end it all and close it all down. Ridiculous!

4): President  on disastrous Universal Mail-In Ballots 

5)All the Radical Left Democrats are trying to do with the Post Office hearings is blame the Republicans for the FRAUD that will occur because of the 51 Million Ballots that are being sent to people who have not even requested them. They are setting the table for a BIG MESS!

6)Incredible that  &amp; MSDNC aren’t covering the Roll Call of States. Fake News! This is what the Republican Party is up against. Also, I’d like to hear the remarks of the Delegates from individual States, rather than  anchors. Ridiculous!

7): Democrats want to Defund, Destroy, and Dismantle our country. 

Republicans want to Renew, Restore, and Rebuild America. We'…

8)Chris Wallace “forgot” to ask a very weak and pathetic Schumer puppet, Senator Chrisie Coons, why Biden fought me when I put an extremely early BAN on people coming into our Country from heavily infected China. Biden later admitted I was right! But why no question?

9)Two Democrat Caucus Meetings removed “UNDER GOD” from the Pledge of Allegiance. It sounded not only strange, but terrible. That’s where they’re coming from!

10)So now the Democrats are using Mail Drop Boxes, which are a voter security disaster. Among other things, they make it possible for a person to vote multiple times. Also, who controls them, are they placed in Republican or Democrat areas? They are not Covid sanitized. A big fraud!

11)Despite biggest ever job gains and a V shaped recovery, Joe Biden said, “I would shut it down”, referring to our Country. He has no clue!


13)We did Criminal Justice Reform without many politically motivated Democrats. The Black &amp; Hispanic community will remember this on November 3rd. 

14): Trey Gowdy: Brennan was either inaccurate or incompetent!" | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News 

15)The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives! 

Plot the polarity and the subjectivity

In [80]:
for i in range(0, df.shape[0]):
    plt.scatter(df['Polarity'][i], df['Subjectivity'][i], color='Blue')
plt.title('Sentiment Analysis')
In [81]:
# Get the percentage of positive tweets
ptweets = df[df.Analysis == 'Positive']
ptweets = ptweets['Tweets']

round((ptweets.shape[0] / df.shape[0]) * 100, 1)
In [82]:
# Get the percentage of negative tweets
ntweets = df[df.Analysis == 'Negative']
ntweets = ntweets['Tweets']

round((ntweets.shape[0] / df.shape[0]) * 100, 1)

Plot and visualize the sentiment

In [83]:
#Show the value counts

plt.title('Sentiment Analysis')
In [ ]: